na INLIS000000000000834 20221005095607 221005 0 9789792118476 0010-041500000000044 128 128 LEA h Leahy, Louis Human Being : A Philosophical Approach / / Louis Leahy Yogyakarta : Kanisius, 2008 , 252 hlm. ; ; 22,5 cm. Seri Pengetahuan Indeks : hlm. 249-250 "Man should be treated as a purpose and a precious value in and for himself, never be a means." But based on what? As long as there's no metaphysical foundation through a serious structural analysis, the statement is no more than a wishful thinking or a pious desire. "Man is superior to animal because he is intelligent." But aren't a dog and a monkey also intelligent? What is the meaning of "to understand"? What is the difference between human knowledge and animal knowledge? And what about "the" computer which plays chess and calculates the steps faster and more accurate than you, a man? "Love is blind". Another slogan. What is love, our most important dimension of affectivity? If love is blind, didn't St. Augustine, the famous theologian and philosopher, make a mistake when he wrote "non intratur in veritatem nisi per charitatem" "(truth cannot be reached by man unless through love)? Major debates on human rights, about the human responsibility, either moral or social, are just sheer nonsense if man is not free. "But man is indeed free!" Really? What is freedom? Could you defend your argument in front of a determinist who denies freedom based on socio-biology and some material theories which influence many systems on sociology, biology, and psychiatry? filsafat kehidupan Perpusdakedirikota 1356(18905)/PU-KDR/PP/2009 1518(18904)/PU-KDR/PP/2009 1527(18903)/PU-KDR/PP/2009